MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0Mhz)

  • @MH-ET-LIVE said in MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0Mhz):

    • Built-in USB
    • 26 I/O Pins (2 are used for USB only if your pogram actively comunicates over USB, otherwise you can use al 6 evn if you are progaming via USB)

    OK, but which pins are used by USB?

  • @bato3 said in MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0Mhz):

    OK, but which pins are used by USB?

    I'm found:

    D+, D-, LED, Jumper, D+ on INT0?

    PD2, PD1, PD0, PC7, Yes

  • Some attiny88 sometimes have a bootloader problem, that's why these modules can't be programmed by USB. This problem is present if when you plug in your card or you press reset and the red led does not flash.

    This problem is quite easy to solve, just install a special library and re-burn the bootloader.
    I made a video to help people who have this problem:

    I hope it can help too.

  • If you preffer reading, is possible upload micronucleus bootloader (V-USB) over ISP (avrdude)..

  • @bato3 i already read all that, but is to much hard for me, if you can help me out, i really appreciate :D

  • Hi guys I have this Attiny88 board but can not get it to work with the PlatformIO interface.
    The Red LED is flashing when powered on via usb cable.

    I get this Error :
    C:\Users\johna.platformio\packages\framework-arduino-avr-attiny\cores\tiny\wiring.c: In function 'init':
    C:\Users\johna.platformio\packages\framework-arduino-avr-attiny\cores\tiny\wiring.c:1095:8: error: #error "Frequency requested from internal oscillator that cannot be generated by prescaling"
    #error "Frequency requested from internal oscillator that cannot be generated by prescaling"
    Compiling .pio\build\attiny88\FrameworkArduino\wiring_pulse.c.o
    C:\Users\johna.platformio\packages\framework-arduino-avr-attiny\cores\tiny\wiring.c:1096:8: error: #error "Custom tuning is not supported in the current version of ATTinyCore"
    #error "Custom tuning is not supported in the current version of ATTinyCore"

    Kindest any suggestions ??


  • I have solved it , this is my settings in platformIO.ini file:
    platform = atmelavr
    board = attiny88
    framework = arduino
    board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L

    ; change clock source if needed
    build_flags = -DCLOCK_SOURCE=18
    ; new clock source
    ;build_flags = -DCLOCK_SOURCE=17

    upload_protocol = micronucleus

    also I needed to download
    used this driver :
    Ibusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0)

    check this tutorial :

    end of message

  • Guys, I have problem with the serial monitor I cant get it to work


    I have this ini file


    any suggestions ??

  • I have now used the #include <SoftwareSerial.h> with this ini file on platformIO

    To make it work I load code over usb interface then switch to USB to ttl dongle and read rx tx over serial monitor.

    I would like to use //#include <DigiCDC.h> //serial monitor
    But this one i cant get to work. Does not detect com port

    platform = atmelavr
    board = attiny88
    framework = arduino
    board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L
    build_flags = -DCLOCK_SOURCE=18 -Wno-narrowing
    upload_protocol = micronucleus
    lib_deps =


    // this works, must use USB to ttl adapter and tx is Rx on the out and inpins
    const byte rxPin = 3 ; // RX is D3 - on TTL it is TX
    const byte txPin = 4 ; // TX is D4 - on TTL it is RX

    SoftwareSerial mySerial(rxPin, txPin);

    void setup() {
    pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
    pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);


    void loop (){

  • @Ghibli_69 Может кому поможет - наткнулся в сети на разбор платы:

  • As @Kender013 suggested, the AttinyCore works better than the core that is recommended in the official tutorial. With AttinyCore there are fewer problems with libraries.
    I also made a video for it:

  • @q12 said in MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0Mhz):
    Hi Teo, Any luck in solving this issue ?? I sent an email.

  • @Ralph_Not_Lauren
    I have used a serial monitor with a "ESP Link" USB/UART adapter and the above code. This adapter is labelled from the other viewpoint, so pin 3 goes to the pin labelled RXD and 4 goes to TXD. Ground should also be connected to improve reliability.

    The example supplied with the "MH-ET Live Tiny88(16.00MHz)" core uses the default Serial device so I tried it with that code, same setup, and that worked just fine as well. So it appears that 3 and 4 are the default UART pins for that core.

    With the ATTiny88 plugged into one USB port, the ESP Link adapter plugged into another, and the Reset button to invoke the bootloader, downloading and debugging is nearly as convenient as any other Arduino.

    I still get the message about a failure to recognise the USB device, but I figure that is just Windows complaining about the port getting stolen for the loader, and ignore it.

  • Using Arduino IDE I tried to use analogRead(A0) and always received a 0 value.
    It appears that A0 is wrongly defined as 13. A0 thru A7 must be defined as 11-18 in order to be used.

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